Slam by Nick Hornby

Boy: 16, likes to skate, skateboard that is. Worships Tony Hawk, even has a poster in his room that he talks to, but no, he's not a mental case. Then, his girlfriend gets pregnant and wants to keep the baby. That is basically the novel, he has flash forwards to what his future will be. A good book, that teen boys will probably enjoy, but overall, I say Nay.
Like Frannie in Pieces, I feel like this book didn't fully embrace its magical realism aspect. Hornby needed to either go full-tilt with the the mystical influence of Tony Hawk or leave it out entirely. NAY.
I thought it worked okay. I'm not sure about teen appeal and I don't think it's a top 20 so NAY.
Weighing in a bit late, but nay for me too, for all the aforestated reasons.
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