Angel Isle by Peter Dickinson

This is a sequel to The Ropemaker, but takes place 20 generations later. Saranja returns to her decimated homeland after some type of magical catastrophe. There she realizes that the epic tales from her childhood are true, and that she, along with cousin Maja and a young man named Ribek, must seek out The Ropemaker to reign in the people performing bad magic.
I found this book to be long, tedious, and boring. I didn't care about any of the characters, didn't like the references to the magical Ropemaker and his clan of magicians (made little sense without the original), and I really don't see the teen appeal. Nay.
Nay for me, too. Characters were flat, the dialog was dry and unconvincing, and the story was as Saranji describes the old stories she was told as a child: "a lot of stupid little adventures".
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