Bullyville by Francine Prose

Bart's family (his mother and himself) gain national attention when he is sick from school and his mother stays home with him which is on September 11th. So, his mother's life is spared but unfortunately, his two timing dad was in the towers that day. Bart is offered a scholarship to the Baileywell Academy which is notorious for bullying. So, we have a story about bullying which in my opinion, isn't really well done. Bart is in 8th grade and this would be for younger ya's. Big Nay for me.
This story captured by interest, but I think the ending was weak and really did't hold together. Nay!
I'm with you guys. It felt like he was writing an essay about the year after 9/11. I couldn't really care about the characters and wondered about the necessity of sending a grieving child to a school that already had the nickname "Bullyville" when he had a strong group of friends at school. NAY
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