Beastly by Alex Flinn

Okay, I love Beauty and the Beast. It's my favorite archetypal tale. But do we really need this many retellings? Yet another one here, and not that memorable. Beast is a spoiled NYC rich kid, and when he gets transformed by the witch (who, of course, is the pudgy unattractive new girl in school) his dad freaks out and basically buys him his own brownstone in Brooklyn so he doesn't have to deal with him. And Beauty is the unpopular girl who turns out to have a huge crush on this jerk just because he gave her a rose corsage that his bitchy girlfriend didn't want. Blech. NAY.
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I love flipped/fractured fairy tales, but this one didn't do much for me. Ditto what Karrie said, and NAY.
Love Alex Flinn, Nothing to Lose was one of favorites, but Nay for this one.
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