The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Eighth Grade Bites by Heather Brewer

Vlad had enough trouble with eighth grade without the added problems that come with being a vampire. He's the product of a marriage between a vampire (his dad) and a human (his mom), both of whom mysteriously died (or did they?) in a fire three years ago. With the disappearance of Vlad's English teacher, the arrival of a very odd substitute, and a black-clad stranger who seems to be after him, Vlad's life turns very exciting very quickly.
It's a cute story, and a good way to give something more age appropriate to the younger set who are interested in vampires, but it didn't grab me enough to finish it. NAY, but make sure it's on your shelves.
NAY. Not an award winner, but I agree its a good book for any library with Vampire lovers around.
Also a NAY. I did finish it, and it was cute (in a vampiric sort of way) but not an award winner.
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