Hero by Perry Moore

Who is that masked man? In this story there's a mix of admiration and embarrassment when family members belong to The League. Thom's father is frequently recognized and shunned as a disgraced superhero. Thom keeps his emerging superpowers and sexual identity concealed from his single-parent father. They grow increasingly apart when the world needs more superheroes.
Please read for discussion! It is a fun romp in some places, has quirky, lovable and not so lovable characters. Some superheroes are out to save the world, others are looking for celebrity. The ego stuff reads straight out of comic books of yore (so it sticks with the genre, but is it literary enuff?). Hooray for an ordinary, gay, teen (and superhero) who has to deal with a homophobic father and without the support of many friends.
Is it top 20 fare? not 10, but maybe 20. MAYBE
I was hooked by the complicated characters and the intricate plot, which echoes everything from Watchmen to DC comics. A solid older teen story that's worthy of consideration. A Yay for me.
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