Beauty Shop for Rent...Fully Equipped, Inquire Within by Laura Bowers

This was a simply delightful read. Abby Garner is fifteen and determined to be a millionaire by age 35. She is being raised by her great grandmother after being abandoned by her mother and her grandmother committed suicide. Her great grandmother runs an old fashioned beauty parlor that is for rent. Gena a sophisticated 35 year old rents the space and turns it into a day spa. Secondary characters include Great Granny's posse of the "Widows," her elderly friends who are hilarious, quirky, and caring. Character development is superb and develops at a believable pace and the ending is quite satisfying.
Although not appealing for boys, I give this one a HUGE YAY based on storyline and criteria for the award. Hope ya'll like it too!
Delightful! I thought this was a very sweet read. I'd recommend it to my teen girls in a heartbeat. Yay.
Thoroughly enjoyed this. Sort of Ya YA Sisterhood / Steel Magnolias for teens. YAY
I also enjoyed this, great character development and a really good story about families and trust. YAY.
I really wanted to like this, but I just wasn't fond of this book. It felt like reading a screenplay. Nay
I enjoyed this book as well. It was engaging with a realistic story line and great characters. Like Kathy, it reminded me of Steel Magnolias. I could imagine the characters speaking with a southern accent and was surprised that the story takes place in New Jersey. YAY
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