Beige by Cecil Castellucci

Katy's dad, Rat, is a drummer in the legendary band Suck and lives in LA. Katy lives with her mom in Montreal, but is sent to stay for a few weeks with her dad that she doesn't know well. Those weeks turn into the whole summer, with a move at the end of it. Everyone in LA is into music and Katy is not; or so it seems! She's so boring her nickname is BEIGE. Katy works hard at being "the good girl" and bottles up a lot of her emotions, but towards the end of her summer she is expressing herself more freely with her father, her friends, and herself. I give this book a YAY! I want to read more about Beige and her new life in Madrid.
I also liked Katy and I loved The Rat. I enjoyed the idea of a story from the point of view of a girl who is not "cool". Katy made me laugh, cringe, and smile. Nice teen read. Yay
I read this book over the weekend. Basically, a 14 year old smart, likeable, and sensible girl from Montreal spends the summer in LA with her father The Rat who is part of a rock band Suck. Two totally different worlds collide but the novel is quite interesting. Not sure if it is Thumbs Up quality, but a pretty good read all the same. Maybe.
I liked how Katy was slowly beginning to understand the music scene in LA and how music began to move her. The change in attitude was slow enough to be realistic to me. Yay
I wasn't a big fan of this book, but its a good story, it definitely made me cry at a couple points, and the teens who have read it enjoyed it, so MAYBE.
I liked how the book had its own playlist. Katy/Beige was less annoying than some self-absorbed, self-pitying without much of a reality check teenagers figuring in teen lit. The Rat asked her if she wanted to be mad. Yes. Then he asked if she had to take it out on him. That felt like the kind of parenting he would do (so, authentic). I liked the characters, felt realistic. I agree with Mary that Katy's music revelation seemed realistic (except for maybe launching as a backup singer without ever practicing - maybe she has perfect pitch) I just don't know that the writing was TU caliber. Good read, would recommend to several different interest groups, but not convinced it is TU worthy. NAY
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