Converting Kate by Beckie Weinheimer

This book read like an afterschool special. Kate is pulling away from her mother's fundamentalist church following the death of her father. She begins to experience the world and realizes that there are issues like homosexuality, dating, and environmental rights that are not as black and white as she'd been taught. She follows her heart, finds a caring pastor at a new church, a kooky-yet-supportive great aunt who helps her deal with her father's death, makes friends, joins cross country, and has a first dating experience. I am not sure if you could add anymore issues to this book. Like an afterschool special, I wanted to find out how it ended, but it is not award material. NAY
I made it 3/4 of the way through this one. It's well written but I don't know how plausible it is. I'm way into reality!
I give it a NAY (based on the fact that I didn't finish it).
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