This book was a bit of fluff about a girl who moves from California to New York to live with her gay half-brother and go to culinary school. Cyd Charisse, heroine from past books
Gingerbread and
Shrimp, is engaging and chatty as ever, but her nicely laid plans go out the window when she breaks a leg. Literally. Gaining curves and losing patience during her recovery, she decides to toss aside study for attempts to find new romance and friendship in her new home.
Cyd, in my opinion, can be a real pain in the neck. The girl makes some pretty stupid decisions, and you just want to kick her for it. So this one's a Nay for me.
You mean I slogged through this one just to have you give it a "NAY"? It took me awhile to get into the characters and jargon since it's been, like, a bazillion years since I read Gingerbread, and now that I'm done with it I thought it was OK. So, I guess, I'll have to give a NAY as well.
hehe.. sorry Patty. This was actually a review I did for my library myspace. I want to try to provide reviews of everything I read to Chelsea teens, so when we started this blog I just cut and pasted with minor changes. Besides, I thought perhaps someone might Yay it, and I wanted to be clear about why I chose to Nay it.
I like Rachel Cohn as an author, but I don't really like CC. This book tries so hard to be hip, not really literature that will stand the test of time. NAY
I agree with the Nays. I couldn't relate to CC for many, many pages. By the end I found her more believable, but at the beginning I was just annoyed with her wishy washy-ness. I wondered if I would have been less impatient for character development if I had read Shrimp first.
I did, however, love the Haikus! It is a fun read for those who like the fluff, so I wouldn't diss it entirely, just not Thumbs Up worthy.
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