Harlem Summer by Walter Dean Myers

An enjoyable look into the Harlem Renaissance through the eyes of 16-year-old Mark Purvis, who manages to meet important figures of the time such as Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, W. E. B. DuBois, etc. There is suspense, drama, and comedy in this story written by acclaimed author Walter Dean Myers. I found this to be a good book and would recommend it to youth in grades 5-9. I would also recommend this book to teachers to supplement any teachings on the Harlem Renaissance. In addition to being a good history lesson, an added bonus is the inclusion of pictures and bios of the famous people and events mentioned. I would have to vote MAYBE for this title only because I'm not sure if it is too "young" for teens. I would love to hear what others think.
I would have to agree I put this in the Juvenile collection not the YA after reading it. Was a very good book though but not thumbs up worthy. Nay.
I agree, too. While I liked it well enough it didn't grab me like I thought it would. Nay for me.
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