Rover by Jackie French

I admit that the cover totally put me off. It looks like a boring historical fiction story about a young girl and her dog. The cover doesn't do justice to the spunk, determination, forthrightness, or curiosity of Hekja - her iceberg-smelling dog (Rover) is pretty great too. Readers will experience some of the humiliation and riling against conquest that a slave might feel. The historical details feel accurate (although I have little actual knowledge to judge this by beyond a vague recollection of Viking history and a visit to Norway's exhibit at Epcot). Freydis is a complex character, and the author references two sources from which she drew to create the fictionalized version of this unusual female - a Viking leader. The contact among different tribes and people lends insight to how some events might have transpired during exploration and conquests. I give it a surprised YAY.
Sorry, but this one just did not appeal to me and I couldn't read it. Also, it seemed a little young. My library has it in the juvenile collection. NAY
Now that I've read Hush since I voted on Rover, I am revising my vote to narrow the field for the top 20 discussion. Rover is still a pleasant surprise. NAY
I couldn't get into this one either and it doesn't even compare to Hush for me, so I have to give it a NAY
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