Spanking Shakespeare by Jake Wizner

This book is hysterically funny in a high school boy sort of way, though not incredibly deep. I found myself laughing out loud several times and recommended it to my mom. It gets a MAYBE because even though it seemed to be more slapstick humor than anything else, it did make me laugh and was a quick, light read.
I would recommend this to anyone who liked the movie Superbad, because it treats high school losers with a sort of fraternal affection. You can't really give it to kids who are younger, but its great for older teens who want something funny and subversive. I thought the ending didn't do the rest of the book justice, and the "serious" parts of the book didn't ring quite true, but I will give it a yay for now.
I thought this book was laugh-out-loud funny at first, but it seemed to just peter out and not live up to its potential for me. Plus I had a really hard time believing Shakespeare was a high school senior; he seemed younger to me for some reason. A NAY for me, even though the opening chapters made me snort.
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