Someday this pain will be useful to you by Peter Cameron
Most of the time books that take place in New York just bug the hell out of me, but this one doesn't drop names every three paragraphs, or talk about how amazing New York is, so I didn't find myself skimming. The language is wonderful. I really enjoyed the sections where James talks to his shrink, or describes the trash cans in his mother's art gallery. It made me laugh in a quiet way. Yay.
I have to go the opposite direction and give this a NAY. I felt that the entire book was just bleak, and nothing ever truly happened and none of the characters ever truly grew.
I struggled with this one over the weekend. I was very excited to read it because Publisher's Weekly had it on one of their best of 2007 lists in their latest issue. (They had Freak Show too.) But I was not impressed at all. Sorry, Nay for me.
I couldn't get into this one at all and I tried it reading it at least three times. Just didn't hold my interest. Nay
I had mixed feelings when I finished the book. The language was strong. The handling of the subject was neither "in your face" or "fluffy." However, I did not think the characters developed or changed. There was no growth in terms of understanding. I give it a NAY.
I felt that the story didn't really end - nothing was really resolved or finished at the end. I thought it was very well written and has teen appeal for every teen questioning who they are and/or why they aren't happy with their life. I thought the main character was interesting and quirky - reminded me of the main character from "Perks of being a wallflower". None of the characters seemed to grow and overall, I did not love it - so I'm giving it a NAY.
I think I'm safely over-ruled. Nay it is! ^_^
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