Pants on Fire by Meg Cabot

Katie lives in a town obsessed with quahogs, both the edible (clam) variety and the non-edible kind (her high school's football team). Four years ago, Katie's friend Tommy was run out of town for an expose' in the school paper about the quahogs (football players) cheating on their SATs. Now Tommy's back, and Katie is sure that he's there to get revenge on her for her role in having him run out of town, and given that Katie's currently making out with not one but two popular boys, the timing couldn't be worse.
If this sounds confusing, you're absolutely right. This should have been a quick read, but I often found myself hitting the end of a page and going "HUH?!" First the whole quahog (clam) vs. quahog (football player) thing, then the male characters being so sketchily drawn that I had a hard time keeping up with who was snogging who and why, and there wasn't really any character growth to go with the happy ending. A huge disappointment from Cabot and a NAY for Thumbs Up.
Although I agree it is not thumbs up worthy, I thought it was a truly great, funny, and easy breezy read. True Meg Cabot with a little more substance.
This was a decent book since the author put a lot of different perspectives in it, though it basically boiled down to a fairly normal romance. It is not quite award worthy in my opinion, so NAY.
I enjoyed this typical Meg Cabot title, but don't think it is Thumbs Up material. Nay
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