Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin

This might be the best teen book I have read this year. To say that Zevin has crafted a remarkable story about identity and self may sound cliche, but I think it really works here. Naomi, after the accident, is a character with depth, pain, and wariness. I think her reactions, motives, and decisions are all spot on. Glad that the follow-up to Elsewhere is so strong.
I've been listening to this on audio for the last couple days - I never want to get out of my car. I'm on the last disk & I'm really enjoying it - can't wait to finish it!
This is absolutely one of the best of the year. The characters, Naomi, Will and James, were honest and complex. Yay!
I agree with everything said before me...YAY.
I loved everything about this book. A very big YAY for me!
Okay, I am going to have to totally disagree on this one. While it got great reviews and will probably show up on the top 20, I just thought it was a good read. The word flat comes to mind. Without giving away spoilers, I found things a little too convenient the way they unfolded. I did like the relationship between Naomi and Will but overall, based on other great literature, i say nay.
This was a great listen and I enjoyed the original story and all of the characters. YAY
I'm with Anne. Really good, one of the better ones, but I just couldn't get enthusiastic enough about these characters to want to give it an award. A MAYBE for me.
MAYBE for me. I liked it a lot, but don't know if it's the best of the best.
**spoiler comments**
Enjoyable, lagged a little with James and I suppose Naomi/James relationship suddenly petering off is realistic given the circumstances and hormones. Enjoyed it, but not smitten. I liked the characters' complexity, but I was a bit annoyed with Naomi for not following through with some of her relationships more effectively. She didn't feel the anger against her mom even when she understood why she wasn't speaking to her before the accident. It look Naomi being grounded and eventually sent by her dad to NYC for any start of reconciliation to happen. I would have like the evolving relationships with her mom and sister to be explored more.
A solid book, well written, good dialogue, convincing reactions, interesting relationship and character development. Willing to consider it for top 20, but I wonder if there is better lit on our list that will win out. conditional YAY
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