Chasing Tail Lights by Patrick Jones

I have to say that I'm disappointed about this title. I really wanted to like it! I was a little confused throughout (it took me 2 chapters to figure out the race of the main character) but it did get a little better towards the end. I'm sorry, Patrick, you're great, but this book could be so much better! I give it a NAY.
I'm happy to read that I am not the only one disappointed with this title. I originally voted "maybe" because I thought I might be negative about this title because I took exception to how my hometown was portrayed. On second thought, I change my vote to NAY because I really don't think this one is award worthy.
I am taking the opposite and saying a huge YAY. I really loved this book, the character, and especially the ending. I think Christy is a great YA character and deals with some heavy issues. It reminds me of Chris Cruther's work and you can tell that the author has insider knowledge of Flint. I just couldn't put this book down. Maybe I am in the minority but I give it a big YAY. I will be interested to see what other people think. Anne
I really love it when books have a little bit of a surprise at the end - and this one certainly did. I liked it - YAY for me for now - have to see how everything else is.
btw - check out Zandra's shout out (Patrick thanking her) in the acknowledgements at the beginning of the book.
I'll saying nay for the same reasons as zandra (nice to see your name in it, though!) and patty. I also thought that it lacked a timeless quality, had too much hipster lingo, and was a little self-serving with the library and YA lit references.
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